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© Petro Slonksnio

Povilas Višinskis Siauliai County Public Library (ŠAVB), founded in 1950, October 1, is the largest library body in the North of Lithuania. It is an open up-to-date multi-cultural and educational centre that supervises 11 public libraries and provides a diverse range of public services for residents’ informational, educational and cultural needs.

Povilas Višinskis Siauliai County Public Library, the only one from plentiful libraries in Lithuania, for nearly two decades now has been cherishing the development of bookplate creation traditions and has become the storing place for the bookplates of artistic value. This is not a randomly selected activity. Siauliai has long been known as one of the main centres of Lithuanian bookplates. At the origins of these book signs stood Siauliai graphic artist, teacher, and ethnographer Gerardas Bagdonavičius (1901-1986). The Library houses his creative legacy, as well as other Lithuanian and foreign artists’ donated bookplate collections.

During its three years of existence Gerardas Bagdonavičius‘ Ex Libris Fund (GBEF), founded in 2014, July 1, is  successfully carrying out its activities  as a  book graphics and bookplate centre in Northern Lithuania. It maintains ex libris school traditions, promotes small graphic art in the country and outside it. The Fund Board members especially as L. Putramentienė - Braza, prof. V. Janulis, P. Kaminskas, A. Skerys, J. Nekrašius, prof. V. Rimkus, R. Prišmontienė and others contribute significantly to the action.

Since 1999 Siauliai County Public Library has held a number of relevant events designed for book ownership signs. Find below the most significant ones.

1999 saw the international competition of „EX LIBRIS. ŠIAULIŲ P. VIŠINSKIO BIBLIOTEKAI – 50“.

In 2002, October 10-11, the first international conference „EX LIBRIS IN BALTIC COUNTRIES. SIAULIAI REGION BOOK MARKS was held. During the conference personal bookplate exhibitions by the Polish artist A. Gozdor and the Lithuanian graphic artist V. Janulis were mounted.  

In 2003 the Library hosted an Itinerant session of International Bibliology Conference on BOOK OWNERSHIP SIGNS AS HERITAGE OF BOOK CULTURE.  Speakers from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland discussed the history of the bookplate development and the importance of preserving cultural heritage.

In 2014 the arranged exhibition „GERARDAS BAGDONAVIČIUS’ BOOKPLATES AND NOT ONLY ...“  displayed also the book labels created by numerous Šiauliai city artists.

2015, September 18, saw the Library‘s held scientific practical conference „SIAULIAI REGION BOOK SIGN AS CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ITS DISSEMINATION AT THE TURN OF THE 20-21 ST CENTURIES“. The exhibition was intended to Siauliai 90th anniversary of ex libris.

In 2016 a study by Jonas Nekrašius called „G. BAGDONAVIČIUS‘ PERSONAL LIBRARY AND ART COLLECTION“ was announced. The study is dedicated to the painter‘s, teacher‘s and collector‘s 115th birth anniversary. 

In 2016, while commemorating G. Bagdonavičius’ 115th birth and the 30th death  anniversaries Gerardas Bagdonavičius‘ Ex Libris Fund held many different events - exhibitions, reports, workshops. On November 19 in the Library Book Fair READ to BECOME a PERSONALITY! the GBEF organized an international exhibition of bookplates 250th BIRTH of M. K. OGINSKIS (curators A. Čepauskas and L. Naujokienė). The exhibition consisted of 191 bookplates created by 88 artists from 24 countries.

In 2017 Povilas Višinskis Siauliai County Public Library, striving to meaningfully honour the centenary of restoration of the state of Lithuania is launching an  international bookplate competition EX LIBRIS. RESTORED LITHUANIA 100. We invite world painters and small graphic artists to create  bookplates for restoration of the State of Lithuania as well as its state institutions and prominent personalities associated with this significant date.

The Patron of the Competition

Lithuanian Minister of Culture Liana Ruokytė Jonsson

Sponsors and Partners

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